Industry and Entrepreneurs

A dynamic private sector in the sciences has the potential to be an engine of economic growth. Industry and entrepreneurs contribute to and are nourished by the scientific community. Find out about all the available resources and how your company can get involved with the science community.

In this section we share resources about: funds, job opportunities, scientific publications, scientific organizations, the book “Ciencia Boricua” and entrepreneurs resources, among others.

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Forums: Entrepreneurs

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José Juan Terrasa: Architect and Ecologist

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

In addition to his essay, Molecular Landscape, we spoke to Architect Terrasa-Sole,  who is also a professor at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, about the implications of this proposed paradigm. He offers a more in-depth look into the concepts and benefits of his theory as well as the scope of the research.

Molecular Landscape Architecture

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

Landscape architect at The Office of Marvel & Marchand Architects, Jose Juan Terrasa-Soler wowed us with his essay Molecular Landscape Architecture. Exploring new fields of crossover between science and design, Terrasa-Soler proposes an architectural approach that embraces genetics in order to engineer ecosystems the same way a scientist manipulates DNA.


Science is All Around You: “Blood Moon”

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

Greetchen: “José, I’m almost speechless when I see the spectacular images you have shared with us”

José: “Greetchen, I’m glad you like them.  Last month we were witnesses to the so called Red Moon (or Blood Moon).  This event is part of a tetrad of total eclipses that will go on until next year.”

Young boricua scientists distinguished for outstanding research

Edwin Rosado's picture

CienciaPR celebrates the scientific talent in Puerto Rico. Here we share the succesful stories of boricua brains that have excelled in conferences and receiving prestigious recognitions early in their careers. Share these stories using #cerebrosboricuas.

Students are distinguished as emerging scientists in science and engineering

Ivia Moreno Rosado: A Borinqueña in China

Ivia I. Moreno's picture

From an early age I have been interested in understanding the interactions between the fauna, the ecosystem and humans. These interests played a key role in my decision of pursuing my undergraduate studies in biology at the Metropolitan University (UMET) of the Ana G. Méndez System. During my sophomore year I took a botany course with Professor Eva Dávila. That experience helped define my next steps. Professor Dávila became a mentor and I worked in her laboratory in several projects related to zoology and botany.


From need to invention: Alanys, a Borinqueña sowing seeds of success

María M Rodríguez Guilbe's picture

Borinqueña emphasizes on the contribution of Puerto Rican and Hispanic women in science and technology and provides a space to discuss topics of interest about the empowerment of women. In 'Seeds of Success' we will share stories about young Borinqueñas that want to pursue a career in STEM, and will describe their achievements and goals to succeed.




News: Entrepreneurs

Pre18 offers $25,000 and mentorship for Puerto Rican startups

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


In the seventh edition of the pre-acceleration program, up to 30 local companies will receive business support to strengthen their proposals.


Parallel18 launches the first local Life Sciences incubator: BioLeap

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


The program will open its application process aimed for projects in biotechnology,
medical technologies driven by Ai and genomics, among others.


Pre18 abre convocatoria para su sexta generación

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


El programa de pre aceleración de parallel18 busca empresas puertorriqueñas e innovadoras para brindarle los recursos necesarios para llegar al mercado.


Open call for the fourth generation of the parallel18 local pre-acceleration program, pre18

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


With the slogan Take it out of the Park, the pre-acceleration program, pre18 of the parallel18 organization, opened its call by inviting local companies to participate. Companies will be able to apply for the fourth generation of the program as of September 13 by filling out the online application. The program, part of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (FCTIPR), seeks innovative local companies with global growth potential in which it provides a $ 20,000 grant that helps them go to market and prepares them to scale globally. . The call will be open until October 12.

CTA names re: 3D company of the year

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Press Release

September 29, 2020 - San Juan, Puerto Rico- The Consumer Technology Association® (CTA), a trade association representing the United States consumer technology industry, announced the new group of honorees at its 2020 Consumer Technology (CT) Hall of Fame; and named the company re: 3D Inc. as Company of the Year for 2020. The association celebrates leaders in the technology industry who advance innovation and develop, create, market and promote the technologies, products and services that improve the lives of consumers.
