10mo aniversario

CienciaPR: From the beginning

Daniel Alfonso Colón-Ramos's picture

Pasteur said that although science has no homeland, scientists do. Since I've been thinking of myself as a scientist, I’ve thought of myself as a Puerto Rican scientist. My concerns about science and Puerto Rico have always gone hand in hand and with them a deep interest and commitment to contribute, through science for the betterment of my country.

A dream within a dream

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

I've had all kinds of dreams when I sleep. Some are very long and strange but others are just funny. Those dreams while I sleep have always been a mystery to me, but are not part of my favorite moments. Daydreaming is what I really enjoy. I like to imagine how things would be if I do something to make them happen. They say, " It costs nothing to dream". I add that "to achieve your dreams is worth everything."

Science communication through social media

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

As part of the 10th-anniversary celebration of Ciencia Puerto Rico, we have been collecting stories from our volunteers to celebrate them and the work they do while also sharing with you the team's vision for CienciaPR’s future.  We want to remind you that the crowdfunding campaign #ConCienciaPR is still active! If you haven’t had the chance yet, please help us continue with our science education and promotion initiatives.  Please visit bit.ly/ConCienciaPR to make your donation. Thanks!

Today, we share the story of Elvin Estrada of Peñuelas, who has been a volunteer for CienciaPR for almost 3 years.

A Decade Transforming Science in Puerto Rico Together

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

This year, we are celebrating a decade of promoting science and research in Puerto Rico. Through our programs and initiatives we have transformed the way science and scientists are presented in the media. We have created thousands of resources to make science relevant to the reality and culture of students in our classrooms. We have also established programs that foster the development of the next generation of Puerto Rican scientists and innovators.

Una década transformando juntos la ciencia en Puerto Rico

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

Este año estamos celebrando una década promocionando la ciencia y la investigación en Puerto Rico. Mediante nuestros programas e iniciativas, hemos transformado la forma en que la ciencia y los científicos son presentados en los medios de comunicación. Hemos creado miles de recursos para hacer la ciencia relevante a la realidad y la cultura de los estudiantes en nuestros salones de clase. Hemos establecido programas que fomentan el desarrollo de la próxima generación de científicos e innovadores de Puerto Rico.

AAAS Caribbean Division celebrates annual conference dedicated to CienciaPR

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


The Caribben Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will celebrate its annual conference on Saturday, September 10, 2016 starting at 8:30 AM at the Museo de Vida Silvestre de San Juan. Titled “Science for a Resilient Society: Communication, Policy and Beyond”, this free event will count on the participation of science leaders from Puerto Rico and abroad discussing the importance of science communication and policy for the development of


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