
Environmental organizations demand that the DNER Secretariat be occupied by someone committed to climate justice

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Nelson Gabriel Berríos

SAN JUAN, June 8 - Representatives of environmental organizations of the Climate Action Now Puerto Rico (ACAPR) initiative questioned Governor Pedro Pierluisi about the professional requirements and commitment to environmental rights that the person occupying the Department of Natural Resources secretary's post should have. They stated that the performance of recent secretaries has been terrible.

Read the full story in the spanish version. 


Grupos defensores de costas exigen protección de especies y de los bienes de dominio público

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


San Juan, Puerto Rico (Wednesday, July 28, 2021) - Organizations that protect the coasts, as well as turtles and other marine species, demanded that the government put into effect a cease and desist in the area of the construction of a swimming pool on Los Almendros beach, in Rincón, and protect the rest of the nesting areas and public domain assets in the maritime-terrestrial zone (ZMT) of Puerto Rico.

Full story available in the Spanish version. 


Investigadores del RUM desarrollan nueva alternativa para sustituir el plomo en equipos electrónicos

Alejandro Centeno's picture
La salud es una prioridad para el ser humana y cuando ésta se ve afectada, tomamos las decisiones que consideramos las mejores. El plomo es nocivo para la salud, pero a la misma vez es un material de soldadura, utilizado en la manufactura de equipos electrónicos. Teniendo esto presente, unos investigadores de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, desarrollaron una alternativa para la sustitución del plomo en los equipos electrónicos, y así minimizar los daños a la salud por causa del plomo.
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