
From Collection to the Digitization of Caribbean Plant Specimens

Kristian Saied-Santiago's picture

   Imagine you are walking around your ideal natural paradise in the Caribbean. To me, that would be hiking a trail at 'El Yunque' deep into the tropical forest, gazing at one of its majestic waterfalls. While busy contemplating your surroundings, a flower you have never encounter before, mesmerizes you. You quickly get closer and use your senses to learn more about this beauty. After an initial observation, a few questions usually follow in our minds including: What is the name of this plant/species? Is it native to this region or is it originally from a different place? And, could this be an endangered species?

From Collection to Digitization of Puerto Rican and Caribbean Plant Specimens

Kristian Saied-Santiago's picture

   Imagine you are walking around your ideal natural paradise in the Caribbean. To me, that would be hiking a trail at 'El Yunque' deep into the tropical forest, gazing at one of its majestic waterfalls. While busy contemplating your surroundings, a flower you have never encounter before, mesmerizes you. You quickly get closer and use your senses to learn more about this beauty. After an initial observation, a few questions usually follow in our minds including: What is the name of this plant/species? Is it native to this region or is it originally from a different place? And, could this be an endangered species?

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