high school

An example of talent

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Doctor Luis Montaner, professor of the Wistar Institute Immunology Program and director of the HIV-1 Inmunopathogenesis Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, is a great example to follow by those who aspire to be outstanding researchers.


Agreement for research labs in 9 public schools

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Thirteen public schools in nine municipalities will have new research laboratories, funded by the municipalities and the Authority for the Financing of Infrastructure (AFI), announced yesterday the Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá. This is part of an agreement between the Department of Education, AFI, and the Science and Technology Trust. Initially the project will impact 11,000 students with the goal of generating more interest and experience in science and mathematics. On the long term, it is hoped that there will be laboratories in all public schools, with the collaboration of the municipal administrations.


More than the sun and sand

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The book ‘Beyond Sun and Sand: Caribbean Environmentalisms', edited by doctors Sherrie Baver y Barbara Deutsch, was thought and created mostly for two groups of the North American population: the tourists that see the Caribbean as a paradise-on-Earth with attraction similar to an amusement park; and also, for the population of North American environmentalists that still see Caribbean environmentalism from a conservationist perspective. The book also creates awareness among Caribbean environmentalists that the Caribbean has similar environmental situations across the board; situations that could be solved more effectively if they joined forces between the islands.


3rd Biotechnology Summer Camp

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For the third consecutive year, the Industrial Biotechnology program (Biotech) of the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez had their summer camp with 60 high school students from all over Puerto Rico. During two weeks, from June 4-15, the students had practical experiences related to biotechnology. The students visited companies to learn about professional careers in biotechnology and had field trips to expose them to the applications of agricultural, environmental, marine and industrial biotechnology. Also, they participated in DNA extraction, cell culture, microscopy, genetic transformation and bioprocesses laboratories, among other activities.


Encouraging women to become Mechanical Engineers

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Working with turbines and engines is not only for men and proof of this is 33 female high school students that will participate in the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez mechanical engineering summer camp, sponsored by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of this campus. The summer camp, in its fourth year, has the goal to motivate women to consider mechanical engineering as a profession. The students will learn about robotics, materials, thermal sciences, and manufacture and they will have the opportunity to interact in a college environment.


Students to represent Puerto Rico in the regional Mathematics Olympics

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Sara Rodríguez Martínez, of Colegio Espíritu Santo, San Juan; George Arzeno Soltero, of Academia del Perpetuo Socorro, San Juan; Alan Wagner Rodríguez, of Baldwin School, Guaynabo; and Eduardo Acevedo Candelaria, of the Ramírez de Arellano-Hostos School, Añasco will represent Puerto Rico in the Mathematics Olympics of the Caribbean and Central America 2007, in Venezuela form June 1st to the 9th, 2007. They all received medals for their outstanding performance in the local competition, in which more than 3,000 students participated. The students had to solve long and complicated problems on numbers theory, combinatorial, algebra and geometry.


Students create a plant nursery

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Students of the Luis Muñoz Marín High School in Barranquitas have created “Biocomiso” (Bio-trust), a plant nursery where they can practice their teachings in biology and strengthen communitarian environmental conservation initiatives. With the nursery, sponsored by the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust under the Friend School Program, they are not only helping reforestation and educational efforts, but they are helping their school, since it can generate revenues for the school, and provide a place for student association activities.


Undergraduate students showcase their inventions

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Eighteen undergraduate students of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PUPR) presented their inventions with commercial potential, as well as companies they have developed during their college years in a fair held recently at the University. Among the 12 exhibitions were a portable back-pack electrical power generator, a hydroponics system that used solar power and a beach cooler/boom box that operates on solar power.


Supporting an enterprising ecosystem

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The Puerto Rican MIT-Harvard Caucus is organizing a conference about how to Re-establish Economic Growth in Puerto Rico. In this conference they will talk about Puerto Rico’s problems and possibilities looking forward to propose and develop some real alternatives. One of the alternatives they already foresee is that education supports the creation of an enterprising ecosystem, where social, cultural and economic alternatives will flourish. Achieving this requires changes in our educational system both at the college and K-12 level.


Students teach about physics

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

The Society of Physics Students of the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez, recently had their Physics Week, celebrating an event where more than 700 students, from fourth to twelfth grade, visited the University and enjoyed talks, workshops and demonstrations to learn about physics. The activity included visits to the electromagnetic and thermodynamics’ laboratories as well as the illustration of concepts through experiments. The students also participated of talks in the Planetarium and lectures about mechanics and waves.



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