ingeniería ambiental

Empresa boricua recibe galardón “Uno con el Ambiente” por sus soluciones de sostenibilidad para las industrias

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


San Juan, Puerto Rico (martes, 30 de abril de 2024) — La ingeniera Geannette M. Siberón y su empresa Environmental & Safety Engineering Solutions (EnvSafe PR) recibieron el premio “Uno con el Ambiente” de FirstBank y un fondo de capital semilla como parte de la competencia de negocios del Grupo Guayacán, por diseñar soluciones que permiten a las industrias de manufactura reducir su huella ambiental para lograr sus metas de sustentabilidad y mantenerse competitivos en el mercado global.


Permeable concrete developed by graduate students at UPR-Mayaguez

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



El Nuevo Dia

Graduate Students from the Department of Civil Engineering (INCI) of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus presented the first instalation of permeable concrete on campus. This new material permits water infiltration, decreasing superificial water run-off and preventing floods.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.



Yoira Díaz-Sanabria: from environmental engineering to nuclear energy

Reyna I. Martínez De Luna's picture
Engineer Yoira Díaz-Sanabria


Engineer Yoira Díaz Sanabria was always attracted to science, especially biology and chemistry. “My mother was a biology teacher and science is in my blood”. She considered going into medicine or medical technology, but at the time to decide for college she chose to study chemical engineering.

Yoira is originally from Las Piedras, the city of artisans. She was raised and attended school in eastern Puerto Rico. When the time for college came around, based on her decision to pursue engineering, her parents did not hesitate to send her to University of Puerto Mayagüez, where they knew she would receive the best education.

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