Mirada Cientifica

When menstruation hurts: Learn more about endometriosis

Idhaliz del R. Flores Caldera's picture

For many women, menstruation is just a nuisance or discomfort. But for one in ten women this process is accompanied by inflammation and pelvic pain so severe that it affects the normal rhythm of their lives. These women are suffering from endometriosis, a condition characterized by dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), dyspareunia (pain during intercourse), chronic, disabling pelvic pain, and often infertility.


Historias para Mirada Científica

Enrique J Vargas's picture

Suscríbete al boletín de Mirada Científica, especialmente dirigido a aquellas personas que quieren colaborar con el podcast. Este boletín lo enviaré solo cuando busco historias relacionadas a un tema en específico o cuando busco personas con conocimiento especializado que me puedan ayudar a profundizar en un tema.





Podcast Mirada Científica

Mirada Científica ("Scientific Glipmse" in english) is an audio program with stories and interviews that explore the relationship between science and Puerto Rico. The format uses music, silence, ambient sounds and narrative elements to transport the listener into a mental and emotional journey that sparks their interest and curiosity in science.

The podcast is a voluntary contribution to Ciencia Puerto Rico, a nonprofit organization committed to the promotion of science, research and science education in Puerto Rico. Ciencia Puerto Rico publishes and distributes the podcast on behalf of its creator, producer, and editor, Enrique Vargas.

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