Puerto Rico Science Technology and Research Trust

Career Opportunity: Research Grants Program Director, PRSTRT

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

The Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust is seeking a qualified individual as Grants Program Director to manage all aspects and tasks related to the implementation of the Research Grants Program.

These tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:





I’m a Latina tech founder and you can be too

Natasha De Leon Rodriguez's picture

I’m a Latina tech founder and you can be too

by: Alana Matos, from Parallel18 Gen2

Me: “I’m not applying to jobs after graduation. I’m doing a startup.”

My mom: “A what?”

The day I told my uber traditional Puerto Rican parents that their Harvard educated daughter was not pursuing any sort of traditional career, I knew their hearts sank. This was not what they had envisioned when I told them I wanted to go to graduate school.

Creativity: a new skill (?) needed in science and technology

Natasha De Leon Rodriguez's picture

Creativity: a new skill (?) needed in science and technology

By: Natasha DeLeon-Rodriguez, PhD

“The greatest scientists are artists as well” (Albert Einstein)

In previous decades, science, technology, and art used to hang out hand by hand. Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci were also inventors. Scientists like Einstein knew the importance of creativity to move science forward. But in our current time frame, we notice a clear division between scientists and artists. We see how society moves towards promoting science and technology but downgrades arts.


Natasha De Leon Rodriguez's picture

Puerto Rico is at the Parallel 18… pin it!

By: Natasha DeLeon-Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Have you heard about Parallel18? If you haven’t, you should keep reading… if you have, but are not really sure what it is…keep reading… and become a fan!

The Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust mission is to invest, facilitate and build capacity to continually advance Puerto Rico’s economy and its citizens’ well-being through innovation-driven enterprises, science and technology, and its industrial base.


Natasha De Leon Rodriguez's picture

Finding answers in nature

By: Natasha DeLeon-Rodriguez

Do you remember when your grandma gave you natural remedies when you were sick? Well, she may have a reason for it at the end of the day. Since early civilizations, it is very common to use plants or natural remedies to survive different diseases and illnesses. In current times, it may not be a common practice, but most of the medicines we use today, came from nature. Antibiotics, probiotics, analgesics, relaxants, have bio- derived components. We may not be aware of the diversity that exist in the world, which is still mostly unknown to us. And since, we are unaware of it, we are also not aware of the capabilities it may have in medicine or other areas.


Natasha De Leon Rodriguez's picture

Working towards a clinical trial culture in Puerto Rico

By: Natasha DeLeon-Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Doctors and researchers work towards developing new drugs, new procedures to cure, detect, prevent or treat diseases. But the people, families and patients, have put their trust and life by joining the clinical trials needed to determine if these drugs or procedures worked. The combination of both parts, doctors and patients, are crucial to advance medicine.

Forward Summit will accelerate scientific and technological enterprise in Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Puerto Rico Science Trust

The scientific, technological, and entrepreneurial communities of Puerto Rico will have the opportunity to advance together their potential as motors of economic development during an event without precedent in Puerto Rico, the Forward Summit, to take place September 17, 2016, at the Sheraton Convention Center in Puerto Rico.


This original article was in Spanish. To read the original version of this story, please change the website's language.



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