soft matter

It's always sunny in Puerto Rico

Robert James Allsopp's picture

My ten week stay in the town of Mayagüez has been quite the adventure. With all the people, places, and things to do there is never a dull moment. After visiting many of the beaches on Puerto Rico I have a new appreaction for Sun Screen and I realize that the sun is always shining here in Puerto Rico. The people on the island are also really nice and they are always happy and fun to be around. So between the actual climate as well as the people, it's always sunny in Puerto Rico.

The Conclusion of a Research Experience in Puerto Rico

Eloise Flora Yount's picture

Hello again, CienciaPR readers.

If you read my last blog, you know that I’ve been in Mayaguez, PR for the summer doing research in the RMSM REU (Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Soft Materials Research Experience for Undergraduates) program at the University of Puerto. It’s been a wonderful summer, and I’m sad that the time is almost here to leave this “island of enchantment”.

An Adventure in Puerto Rico: Research, Rental Cars, and Red Trees

Eloise Flora Yount's picture

Greetings CienciaPR community,

My name is Eloise Yount, and I am proud to say that I have the opportunity of conducting research at the UPRM in the interim period between my third and fourth years as an undergraduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am pursuing a degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering, and with that degree I plan to lay the foundation for a career focused on sustainable technology/renewable energy development and implementation.

Half Way into the 2016 Summer Internship Program

Robert James Allsopp's picture

I made a decision to travel this summer and take part in the REU internship at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. I have always dreamed of seeing the world, and after signing up for the REU I could only imagine what adventures I might partake in over the summer. I have worked with people from around the world and I feel blessed to share the discoveries and adventures of this experience with those I’ve met along with the Ciencia Puerto Rico community. My experience thus far revolves around exploring the island and learning about my research with many friends.

Soft Matter Blog

Soft matter unites a broad class of physical states, ranging from colloids and micelles (like gels or detergents), to biological and granular matter, that are easily deformed by external stresses. These materials are used to fabricate consumer products, such as shampoos, cosmetics and detergents, and are essential substances for novel applications in nanotechnology, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry. This blog includes essays and news written by students participating in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) summer program and by researchers working in this exciting field at the UPR-M and beyond.

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