Cristhian J Ildefonso

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BibliographiesTiming of Antioxidant Gene Therapy: Implications for Treating Dry AMD. Cristhian J Ildefonso05 years 11 months ago
BibliographiesVersican G1 domain enhances adenoviral-mediated transgene expression and can be modulated by inhibitors of the Janus kinase (JAK)/STAT and Src family kinase pathways. Cristhian J Ildefonso05 years 11 months ago
BibliographiesAdeno-Associated Virus Delivery of Viral Serpins for Ocular Diseases: Design and Validation. Cristhian J Ildefonso05 years 11 months ago
BibliographiesNeuroinflammation in Retinitis Pigmentosa, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Minireview. Cristhian J Ildefonso05 years 11 months ago
BibliographiesA cell penetrating peptide from SOCS-1 prevents ocular damage in experimental autoimmune uveitis. Cristhian J Ildefonso05 years 11 months ago
BibliographiesConditional Induction of Oxidative Stress in RPE: A Mouse Model of Progressive Retinal Degeneration. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesThe NLRP3 Inflammasome and its Role in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesTargeting the Nrf2 Signaling Pathway in the Retina With a Gene-Delivered Secretable and Cell-Penetrating Peptide. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesGene therapy with the caspase activation and recruitment domain reduces the ocular inflammatory response. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesSystemic treatment with a 5HT1a agonist induces anti-oxidant protection and preserves the retina from mitochondrial oxidative stress. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesSystematic review and meta-analysis of the association between complement factor H I62V polymorphism and risk of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in Asian populations. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesThe liberation of CD44 intracellular domain modulates adenoviral vector transgene expression. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesAbsence of systemic immune response to adenovectors after intraocular administration to children with retinoblastoma. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesAltered subcellular signaling in murine peritoneal macrophages upon chronic morphine exposure. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesRepurposing an orally available drug for the treatment of geographic atrophy. Cristhian J Ildefonso08 years 5 months ago
Forum TopicOportunidad Postdoctoral en el Area de la Terapia Genica Ocular en la Universidad de la Florida Cristhian J Ildefonso010 years 12 months ago
Forum TopicBusco recomendaciones de libros de introducción a la investigación clínica o básica Giovanna Guerrero-Medina511 years 3 weeks ago
Forum TopicFeria Virtual de Escuelas Graduada en Ciencias Biomedicas Cristhian J Ildefonso011 years 11 months ago
