Blog de Gabriela Corali Del Valle

The End Of Great Summer!

Imagen de Gabriela Corali Del Valle

Without doubt, the bubbles have become a topic of great interest for the scientific community. This is because their contribution in different areas such as drug delivery, treatments for diseases as cancer, and their application in environmental scenarios. However, currently there still much to learn and discover about them. Is for this reason, this summer I was working in the Bubble Dynamic Lab in the project “Dynamic of One Microbubble Subjected to a 3D Acoustic Field”. The objective of this project was studying the behavior of one microbubble exposed to a three-dimensional acoustic field. To perform this, an algorithm in Matlab was implemented, in which the trajectory of the microbubble was calculated using the velocity of microbubble.

The great experience at REU in Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Soft Materials

Imagen de Gabriela Corali Del Valle

Nowadays, the bubbles are of great importance on different research areas, such as, the environment, the nuclear and medical scenarios. However, many aspects of the bubbles remain unknown. For this reason, under the mentorship of Dr. Silvina Cancelos and the graduated student William García, we pretend to understand their behavior. For this we are generating a micro bubble in hyaluronic acid and exposing it to a three dimensional acoustic field.

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