Blog de Irving Vega

Assistant Professor-Fixed Term

Imagen de Irving Vega

The College of Human Medicine of Michigan State University (MSU) seeks a bioinformatics scientist for appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Translational Science and Molecular Medicine.  This is a three-year, fixed term position. The primary duties of the successful candidate will be to collaborate with biomedical faculty within TSMM in the analysis and interpretation of informatics data sets and provide statistical expertise. The candidate will also have time, if desired, to develop an independent line of research. Candidates should be experts in the domain of bioinformatics and be versed in analysis of next-generation sequencing and epigenetics data, and possess the skills to develop novel approaches and workflows as needed.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer: Podemos reducir el riesgo

Imagen de Irving Vega

Recientemente el Dr. Irving Vega, Profesor Asociado de Michigan State University, presentó su charla ”Investigación sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer: Del laboratorio a la sociedad”.  Con motivo de la “Semana del Cerebro” le compartimos el vídeo de la charla y un escrito que el Dr. Vega nos envió.  Esta es la primera de varias entradas que estaremos compartiendo con ustedes esta semana abordando diferentes condiciones relacionadas a la salud de nuestro cerebro.


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