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Help me go to Bolivia!

Imagen de Natalia Martínez Torres
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Once in a Lifetime...


Recently, I received a very special news!!!
I applied to attend an event to represent my university and country as a promoter and change-maker to a more sustainable future. For my surprise, last week I had the acceptance and confirmation of being part if the WSEN I Latin-American Regional Summit 2017  in Bolivia from the 30th of January to the 3rd of February 2017.

The 'San Pablo' Catholic University of Bolivia, will host this event, with the representation of at least 60 delegates from more then 30 Latin American universities.The purpose of this event it to expose solutions to the environmental problems faced in Latin America.  

As a delegate from Puerto Rico, I hope to give the best and with the acquired knowledge, continue educating about the necessity and urgency of work projects focused on the use of renewable and sustainable energy. 

This is why I need your help! I have started this fundraising campaign to  earned the money needed to pay a visa for entering the country  and also for the plane tickets from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Cochabamba, Bolivia. I need this funds by January 1st in order to have things on time. This amazing opportunity will help me obtain more experience on my study field and will definitely  be an great adventure. Being Puerto Rico's delegate in this event, means huge responsibility that I'm willing to commit. After attending this Summit, my aim is to empower others with the knowledge acquired, giving workshops, webinars and more. 

I will be really thankful to everyone who helps me get a step closer on this once in a lifetime chance. Please, share my story!

Very Grateful,

 Natalia Martinez-Torres
