Blog de Nicole E. Félix

Conquering Johns Hopkins (Summer 2018)

Imagen de Nicole E. Félix

Johns Hopkins University has had a lot of firsts… It was the first research university established in the US… It snapped the first picture of Earth from outer space… And it established the first academy of music. But this year, it was home to my second summer research experience, thanks to the Johns Hopkins Institute of NanoBiotechnology.

SHPE's Women In Leadership Summit

Imagen de Nicole E. Félix

This past Friday, April 20th, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) hosted their first ever Women in Leadership Summit, where they had a panel of guests talk about their careers and their trajectory. The roster of guests was full of women, with Alexandra Lúgaro, Ada Monzón, Gretchen Clavell, Daneris Fernández, Dr. Madeline Torres Lugo, and Dr. Mari Luz Zapata, as well as Mariano Vela, a guest speaker from Chevron.

Journey to ABRCMS: From Puerto Rico to Phoenix

Imagen de Nicole E. Félix

The first week of November 2017 was a special week in Phoenix, Arizona. The capital city of The Grand Canyon State was host to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS for short), a four-day event where minority students can present their research, share experiences, and network with scientists. Thousands of undergraduates, post-baccalaureates, and graduate students attended this year and were able to present their work either as a poster or oral presentation. I was fortunate enough to have been able to attend and present the research I had done over the summer.

Mi experiencia como una BioMed SURFer (Verano del 2017)

Imagen de Nicole E. Félix

Mi nombre es Nicole E. Félix-Vélez y actualmente curso mi segundo año en la Universidad de Puerto Rico-Mayagüez en el programa de Biotecnología Industrial. Siempre me ha fascinado la ciencia y su forma de poder explicar el mundo que nos rodea en ecuaciones que se pueden resolver, o cómo todas las cosas se componen de partículas diminutas que no podemos ver a simple vista. Lo más asombroso es saber cómo investigadores e ingenieros se dan a la tarea diaria de utilizar la ciencia para mejorar nuestras vidas.

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