Microsabbaticals at Princeton's Psychology Dept for Faculty from Underrepresented Backgrounds

Imagen de Kimberly Ann Massa Núñez


Princeton Psychology is starting a brand new program of microsabbaticals. The program supports short-term visits (from 2 weeks and up to 1 month) for up to two faculty members per year. Each visiting faculty should have at least one local faculty host in the psychology department. During the micro-sabbatical, visitors will have a chance to:

  • Present their research to our community
  • Work with faculty mentors to acquire new skills that will benefit their research program and career development (e.g., particular research methods) and to learn about the hidden curriculum of publishing and obtaining funding in their subarea (e.g., work on writing a grant proposal or a paper)
  • Investigate possible future collaborations with host faculty
  • Interact with trainees through a "Growing up in science" seminar and through participating in lab meetings.

All expenses for the visit (travel, accommodations, honorarium) are covered by the program. If you are a URM early career faculty and have an idea for a lab that would be a great fit for your visit, please contact them!

Eligibility & Selection

Micro-sabbaticals are intended for early-career (not yet tenured) researchers, ideally on a tenure track (though not exclusively), from groups historically excluded in the applicants current country of work (i.e., racial/ethnic minorities, first-generation/low SES, and people with disabilities). Applications should be written in consultation with the potential mentor(s), and include a commitment from the mentor(s) to host the applicant. Preference will be given to researchers from universities with fewer opportunities for faculty to obtain mentoring and training in research (e.g., undergraduate-focused universities, regional state universities, tribal colleges, and HBCU's), and to applications that include a detailed mentoring and visit plan, and which demonstrate a good fit with the host lab(s) and strong potential for creating new long-term collaborations.

Initial applications for a micro-sabbatical in 2021 are due by April 15, 2021, but due to the short timeline, applications will be considered on a rolling basis after that for this initial year of the program. Applications for following years will be due by March 1 of the year. Applications should be written after formulating a plan with the intended host(s), and should detail the visit plan, why the mentor(s) are a good fit for the applicant, the potential for future collaboration, and a commitment from the mentor(s) to host the applicant. Applications (~2 pages) and inquiries should be submitted to psych@princeton.edu(link sends e-mail).

Participation in the Micro-Sabbaticals at Princeton Psychology program does not imply or include employment or formal affiliation by or with the Department of Psychology or Princeton University.


