Posición de catedrático auxiliar en Richmond, VA (enfoque fisiología)

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 13 septiembre 2013

The Department of Biology at the University of Richmond invites applications for a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor. The candidate must have a doctoral degree and post-doctoral training is preferred, with a specialization in physiology at the organismal level. We are particularly interested in candidates who demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching, preferably with teaching experience, and have a strong record of research productivity. The successful applicant is expected to teach introductory courses in the major, non-major courses, and an upper level elective in the candidates area of expertise. Additionally, the candidate is expected to maintain a productive research program that actively engages our majors.

Applicants should apply online at http://jobs.richmond.edu and upload (1) a letter of application for the position, (2) a curriculum vita, and (3) a single, integrated statement describing the applicants research program and how the applicant envisions integrating teaching and research and incorporating undergraduates into this research program. The statement should address the applicants vision for being a teacher-scholar at a primarily undergraduate institution. As we are revising our introductory biology courses to follow the recommendations of Vision and Change in Undergraduate Education: A Call to Action (AAAS, 2011), applicants should articulate how their teaching will contribute to meeting those recommendations. Finally, reflections on past teaching and mentoring experiences, particularly any involving students from diverse backgrounds, should be incorporated into the statement. Applicants will be asked to provide the names of three references who will receive an automated email asking them to submit letters of recommendation electronically. The deadline for applications is Friday, September 13, 2013.

The University of Richmond is committed to developing a diverse workforce and student body and to being an inclusive community. We strongly encourage applications from candidates who will contribute to these goals. For more information on the department, resources, and teaching responsibilities, see: http://biology.richmond.edu/ . 

The Department of Biology is in the Gottwald Center for the Sciences along with the Departments of Chemistry, and Physics. Approximately 45 biology majors graduate each year, many of whom go on to attend top graduate and medical schools. The department offers courses and research opportunities at all levels from the molecular to the ecological.  There is also a concentration in Neuroscience, a major in Environmental Studies, and a major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. To ensure that faculty have time to maintain a productive research program, the typical faculty teaching load is a 3/2 (alternating semesters of 9 and 6 contact hours). A Director of Pre-Health Education advises students interested in health-related careers. Four Laboratory Directors participate in laboratory instruction and teaching of some non-majors biology courses, as well as assisting with our introductory biology courses. A full-time Director of Biological Imaging manages our SEM, TEM, and laser scanning confocal microscopes as well as an array of fluorescent compound and stereo microscopes). The university also maintains an animal facility, greenhouse and herbarium, flow cytometer, standard molecular biology equipment, and computer imaging technology, all of which are available for student and faculty use. Members of the Department of Biology also have access to two University-owned field sites that are approximately 15 and 45 minutes from campus.



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