Industry and Entrepreneurs

Unlocking the mysteries of the brain

Daniel Alfonso Colón-Ramos's picture
Learning & Memory journal cover
Grand slam! Three lab groups with P. Rican researchers published in this issue of L&M

"Si por casualidad duermes, y sueñas que te acaricia la brisa..."

Those verses from Bobby Capó's song "SoÒando con Puerto Rico" transport us with their melody to the coasts of Puerto Rico. While taking this trip down memory lane, we relive the experience with the same intensity as if we were physically there. How is it that the brain allow us, just by thinking about it, to feel the tropical sun and dream of Puerto Rico?

In December's issue of the prestigious scientific journal Learning and Memory three articles by Puerto Rican authors were published, and those articles address these mysteries of the human brain.

CienciaPR and El Nuevo Dia: A new network of boricua scientists

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR
CienciaPR established a collaboration with the Science section of El Nuevo Dia, to write articles featuring what our scientists do and how science affects our society. CienciaPR members talked to this newspaper about this collaboration and the initiatives of CAPRI and CienciaPR



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