Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's blog

What is Educational Neuroscience and the implications in the classroom

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture

Educational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that explores the intersection between neuroscience and education. It aims to use findings from neuroscience to inform educational practices and improve learning outcomes. The field seeks to understand how the brain develops, processes information, and learns, and how this knowledge can be applied to enhance teaching and educational strategies.

Implications in the Classroom:

  1. Individualized Instruction: Educational neuroscience can help educators tailor their teaching methods to individual students' learning styles, cognitive abilities, and developmental stages. This may involve recognizing and accommodating diverse learning profiles within a classroom.

Neuroscience Symposium: Innovative Technologies and Learning

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture

The idea for the Neuroscience Symposium: Innovation, Technology, and Learning was conceived in 2014 when doctoral student Juan V. Concepcion Cardona and Dr. Joel Acevedo Nieto met at the Network of Entrepreneurship Innovation in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. Juan and Joel discussed possibilities for a holding a meeting about the emergence of Neuroscience in Puerto Rico. Both scientists felt that there is a need to better understand and track the development of neuroscience research and practice in Puerto Rico. As an academic discipline, neuroscience is challenging as it is composed of various sub-disciplines like neurobiology, psychology, cognitive sciences, computer sciences, etc.

Investigación clínica: Potenciales Relacionados a Eventos

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture
La investigación clínica es muy importante para el avance en la psicología clínica. Publicaciones recientes han destacado la necesidad de establecer métodos válidos para estudiar el comportamiento humano desde un punto de vista naturalista y social. La perspectiva social sobre el comportamiento humano toma principalmente la voluntad y los procesos conscientes para entender las acciones y reacciones de un individuo en un contexto social. Por otro lado, el punto de vista naturalista entiende que el comportamiento humano se debe estudiar teniendo en cuenta los aspectos biológicos que le llevan a una persona actuar de cierta manera. En este artículo se explican estas perspectivas y se introduce a diseños de investigación utilizando tecnologías de bajo costo en el ámbito psicológico clínico.

Measuring Attention through computerized programs

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture

The Attention Networks Test compiles two paradigms designed to measure attention in the human system. The test enables to measure the efficiency and independence of each attention network. It only takes twenty minutes to complete. The Attention Networks Test (ANT) is comprised of visual stimuli and reaction time tasks. These tasks are the Eriksen’s Flanker Task (1974) and Posner’s Cueing Paradigm (1980). Attention serves as a gate for the person to be aware of the senses (Posner & Fan, 2008). Also, the attention system allows for the regulation of impulses and learning in a safe environment (Abundis-Gutiérrez, Checa, Castellanos, & Rueda, 2014).


Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture

     The brain is a fascinating organ that allows the human being to integrate information and create thoughts or motivations. From a psychobiological perspective learning is defined as the observable change in the behavior of a subject. The learning process occurs daily. Furthermore, we associate the process of learning occurs in the classroom. New academic perspectives propose to establish two-way bridges between neuroscience, psychology and education.

My time at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting 2016 YCA

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture
On the Yale Ciencia Academy program 2016 a group of hispanic students were invited to participate at the American Association for the Advancement of Science on Washington, DC. This is my reaction from the moment when I received the invitation e-mail of acceptance to YCA and the week spent at the AAAS meetings and conferences.
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