Submitted on 9 July 2024 - 1:13pm
This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.
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More than 40 enthusiastic participants of the Explora Ciencia Vaquera program visited the UPR-Molecular Center to learn more about its modern facilities and the research being conducted there.
This program, now in its third edition, seeks to expose young people to science from an immersive university perspective during the summer, allowing them to learn about and use the laboratories of the UPR-Bayamón.
Meanwhile, these students from different high schools, profiles, ages and interests are united by a single factor: science.
"This is the first time we receive students from this program, but at Molecular we are always at the disposal of the community. With these visits and activities we can contribute our grain of sand in the formation of the future generation of scientists and, above all, we can give them a clearer idea of the possibilities and opportunities that researchers have here in Puerto Rico, and especially at Molecular," said Dr. Perla Cruz-Tato, manager of scientific instrumentation at the Molecular Center.
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