UPRM Industrial Engineering Students Yaileen Méndez and Kasandra L. Ramirez named finalists in the 2013 INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize.

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CienciaPR Contribution: 

Yaileen Méndez and Kasandra L. Ramirez

Every year the Institute for Operations Research & Management Science (INFORMS) holds a competition ‘to honor a student or group of students who conducted a significant applied project in operations research or management science, and/or important theoretical or applied research in operations research or management science, while enrolled as an undergraduate student.’ Participants submit their works from all around the globe, making this an international technical competition.

This year, UPRM Industrial Engineering students Yaileen Méndez-Vázquez and Kasandra Ramírez-Rojas were selected as finalists with their work: The Search for Experimental Designs with Tens of Variables. They conducted this research project while being undergraduate students under the supervision of Dr. Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos at The Applied Optimization Group at UPRM. 

The Award Ceremony and Honorific Presentation were held during the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 7th and 8th.  Yaileen and Kasandra, misfortunately, could not make it to the conference.  

Congratulations on this important achievement to Yaileen and Kasandra!

Important links:

2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting


INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Prize


The Applied Optimization Group at UPRM


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