Vanderbilt University initiative to increase underrepresented minorities in biomedical research

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The Vanderbilt Bridges Program:

- Pays research assistantship at the home institution.
- Allows students to travel to Vanderbilt for additional research
- Provides fast track admission to the Vanderbilt Ph.D. program
- Offers "Preparing for the Ph.D." the summer before students enter Vanderbilt
- Allows students to do a part of their M.S. thesis work at Vanderbilt
- Encourages and supports student participation in regional and national meetings
- Provides for an exchange of faculty between Vanderbilt and its partner institutions

Specifically, this program is directed at expanding the opportunities for minority students to enter Ph.D. programs, and particularly one of the Vanderbilt University Ph.D. programs in the biomedical sciences. In addition, Vanderbilt provides flexible tracks for Bridges students during their M.S. years at the home institution consequently they can interact with Vanderbilt faculty and graduate students. This includes special research facilities and instructional opportunities at Vanderbilt and, in some cases, M.S. thesis work preformed at Vanderbilt in one of nine Ph.D. granting programs in the biomedical sciences. We develop student-mentoring relationships between Bridges students and Vanderbilt faculty that will foster the transition from the M.S. to the Ph.D.

Bridges also develops reciprocal-faculty relationships between the partner institution and Vanderbilt, which is designed to enhance the competitiveness of the graduate programs in the sciences. This aim strengthens the research capability of the partner institution by faculty research collaborations and joint seminars. With the interchange of faculty, Bridges seeks to support the curriculum of the M.S. institution through special courses and lectures.

For more information visit Bridges Program website

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