Bristol-Myers to Close Puerto Rico Plant - continua el saqueo

Roland Blasini's picture


Alli tienen el impacto de su "GRAN" modelo economico de incentivos industriales. Y todavia NO APRENDEN!!! GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME and I'll still shall go away with PROFITS ($$$), non-taxable, not paying electricity, not paying water, low-wages, health hazards and last but not least the environmental free-for-all and naturally providing kick-back to ALL the local "politicos" in the three ring circus. Cuantas entidades corporativas/ compañias exsisten desde Operacion "Manos a las Obra" que quedaban aun en la decada de los 90's por lo menos. Ni una mano hace falta para contarlos! TODO depende con cuanto le toca a su "pocket".... is your viewpoint. Y todavia se cren que el sector "bio-tech industry" is the solution. Dito!!! Adjunto ------------------------------------------- Jan. 18, 2008, 12:08PM Bristol-Myers to Close Puerto Rico Plant SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. said Friday it will close a plant in the city of Barceloneta, adding to pharmaceutical industry cutbacks in the U.S. island territory. Bristol-Myers said it would gradually close the plant in the northern city over the next 12 months, eliminating about 225 jobs. In its announcement, the company cited reduced demand for the products produced at the plant, which include two AIDS treatments and an antibiotic, and a general need to cut manufacturing costs. Bristol-Myers said it would continue to operate two other plants in the Puerto Rican cities of Humacao and Manati. In October, the company announced the closure of a plant in the western city of Mayaguez that manufactures heart disease and diabetes medicine, eliminating about 400 jobs. Drug companies have cut more than 3,000 jobs over the past 18 months in Puerto Rico, long a global hub of pharmaceutical manufacturing.


Irving Vega's picture

Hi! I am eager to ask profecon, What's your point? Yo entiendo que el gobierno no ha creado los incentivos o estrategia economica perfecta para poder atraer o sostener la industria bio-tech en la isla. Ahora, la culpa del cierre o obtencion de incentivos no es de la industria. Esa industria que se critica por obtener beneficios en taxes, para el 2005 empleaba mas de 117,000 empleados en toda la isla*. Estos empleos, ademas, son los mejores pagados en toda la isla con un promedio anual cerca a $30,000*. Multiplique $30,000 por 117,000 y le dara a $3.51 billones, solo para el año 2005. Esos $3.51 billones entraron directamente a la economia de PR en forma de sueldo e impuesto sobre ingreso. Si sacamos solo el 10%, lo cual ira al gobierno en forma de impuesto sobre ingreso, nos da a $351 millones. La pregunta es cuanto de esos 351 millones el gobierno invirtio directamente en proyectos de investigacion llevados a cabo por investigadores en la isla o adiestramiento para los empleados de esta industria?? Usando la frase de profecon, "ni una mano hace falta para contarlos". Por tanto, el recriminar contra la industria es injusto. Lo que hay que hacer es ponernos a trabajar para aumentar la productividad de la ciencia en PR y que el gobierno invierta mas en apoyar a los investigadores que deseamos que la ciencia progrese en la isla. Vamos a mirarnos a nosotros primero antes de recriminar... *Referencia: Informe PRIDCO 2005 (NAICS Group: 3254)
Thomas (Tom) Plocek's picture

Until Puerto Rico starts to develop the deep ocean water (DOW) off its South and North coasts, to produce electricity and micro algae for chemicals and fuel, it will be unable to develop large numbers of permanent good jobs on the Island. Tax benefits can attract companies making patented products, but competitive costs are what keep manufacturing alive. Low wages and good infrastructure cannot overcome high energy and raw material costs. Puerto Rico needs to become a "Center of Excellence" for the commercialization of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) and Algae based fuel and chemicals. The combination of unique geographical advantages (the deep ocean water) and technology (well educated population), together with local ownership can bring a bright future. See, search: tjplocek and