PBB Special Issue on Pharmacology across the Lifespan

Annelyn Torres-Reveron's picture



Wednesday, 15 September 2021

We seek scientists who may want to participate in a Special Issue of Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior entitled "Pharmacology Across the Lifespan.”    This Special Issue will focus on the effects of pharmaceutical drugs, abuse substances, hormones and other biological variables, such as enrichment and stress, across the lifespan of both animals and humans.  Topics covered will range from epigenetics and molecular alterations to toxicity and behavior.  If you want to contribute to or want to know more about this Special Issue, please contact Dr. Diana Dow-Edwards at diana.dow-edwards@downstate.edu or Dr. Annelyn Torres-Reveron at anne.torres@dhr-rgv.com.  Submitted manuscripts will undergo peer review, and there will be no publication cost to the authors.  While we encourage authors to submit their manuscripts this summer, the deadline for submission is September 15, 2021.



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