Seeds of Success: Latinas in STEM Collection

Meet great women in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Seeds of Success Women in STEM collection includes undergraduate/graduate students, postdocs, as well as professionals from academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations who serve as volunteers for Seeds of Success. CienciaPR has thousands of women in STEM who are part of our network. Please note, the collection is currently in Spanish. You can do a member search so you can meet all the models to follow in CienciaPR. 

"IF we support a girl in STEM, THEN she can change the world"

#ifthenshecan #SemillasdeTriunfo #JuntasPodemos 

Download all the posters on the Collection in PDF format (Spanish)

Posters-1     Posters-2     Posters-3     Posters-4     Posters-5.   Posters-6

(each pdf in alphabetic order)

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