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Finding answers in nature

By: Natasha DeLeon-Rodriguez

Do you remember when your grandma gave you natural remedies when you were sick? Well, she may have a reason for it at the end of the day. Since early civilizations, it is very common to use plants or natural remedies to survive different diseases and illnesses. In current times, it may not be a common practice, but most of the medicines we use today, came from nature. Antibiotics, probiotics, analgesics, relaxants, have bio- derived components. We may not be aware of the diversity that exist in the world, which is still mostly unknown to us. And since, we are unaware of it, we are also not aware of the capabilities it may have in medicine or other areas.

Puerto Rico Science Trust Creates Bioprospecting Program

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Press Release

The Board of Trustees of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust announced the creation of a steering committee to direct the entities bioprospecting activities. With this the Trust is looking to position Puerto Rico as an added-value partner for companies interested in discovering new products and compounds based on animal and plant resources from Puerto Rico.  


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