breast cancer

Boricuas researchers seek to improve breast cancer treatment with medicinal mushrooms

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Alonso Daboub Bullón

The project led by Dr. Michelle Martínez Montemayor was one of five recently funded by the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust Fund


MBQ Pharma announces the First-in-Human Dose of MBQ-167 for Advanced Breast Cancer in a Phase 1 Clinical Trial in Puerto Rico with the dual targeted Rac/Cdc42 inhibitor

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


- MBQ-167 is a first-in-class small molecule and dual targeted inhibitor of over-expression of two proteins (Rac and Cdc42) that enable cancer metastasis and increased resistance to other anti-
cancer agents.

- 90% of cancer-related deaths are related to cancer metastasis and MBQ-167 is being evaluated in
this first human clinical trial to determine the best dose to evaluate this investigational drug in
future studies to determine its safety and efficacy for reducing this terrible outcome.


Edith A. Pérez: A Pioneer in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer

Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-Rivera's picture
Dra. Edith A. Pérez
Dr. Edith A. Pérez

The American Cancer Society estimates that breast cancer will claim the lives of more than 40,700 Americans in 2015. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for women in the United States, after lung cancer. It has been estimated that doctors will diagnose nearly 232,000 women with invasive breast cancer and around 60,300 women with non-invasive breast cancer, this year.

Victory against cancer

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Aurora Rivera Arguinzoni

Although cancer is still one of the leading causes of death in Puerto Rico, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a study indicating that breast and lung cancer diagnoses in Puerto Rico has decreased.


You can read the full version of this article in Spanish by clicking on ESPAÑOL at the top right of your screen.


UPR develops a patent for a compound to treat breast cancer

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Aurora Rivera Arguinzoni /

The Medical Sciences Campus at the University of Puerto Rico announced that their Pharmacy School has patented a compound to treat breast cancer.

The read the original story, visit the Spanish Version of this site.


Michelle Martínez Montemayor: a Borinqueña in the fight against cancer

Reyna I. Martínez De Luna's picture
A stellar Borinqueña: Dr. Michelle Martínez Montemayor

In the month of November, Ciencia Puerto Rico's montly story is joining the anniversary celebration of the blog Borinqueña. Use #Borinqueña to share this story.

The enthusiasm and passion that Dr. Michelle Martínez Montemayor exudes for her work, family and life can be easily felt when talking to her. Michelle is a Borinqueña from Bayamón. She was born and raised in the “City of Cowboys”, as Bayamón is also known in Puerto Rico, and today works as a professor and investigator at the Central University of the Caribbean (CUC).

Quinones: cancer cell destroyers

Marcos Lopez's picture
células cancerosas
Breast cancer cell

We have all been touched by this terrible illness. According to the American Cancer Society more than a half-million people die annually of cancer in the US. In Puerto Rico, the mortality rate is 5,000 patients per year, with a 2% increase each year.

Cancer results from uncontrollable cell proliferation, which leads to the formation of malignant tumors in different parts of the body. These tumors affect the physiological function of tissues and organs and are the target of cancer treatment.

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