
Ubaldo M. Córdova: transforming research culture in Puerto Rico

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture
Dr. Ubaldo Córdova wants to make sure that young scientists and faculty in Puerto Rico have a support system for professional development.

Dr. Ubaldo M. Córdova knew from a very early age that he wanted to be a scientist. He confirmed this thought when he had to complete a special project for his geography class in high school. For this project, a shy and introvert Ubaldo, built a geography map of Puerto Rico. He designed a very precise map that marked the Island’s municipalities using colorful sand. Based on the sophistication of his design- where the different colors of sand did not mix and every piece fit perfectly- his teacher told him that he would become an engineer.

Talleres para maestros sobre energía solar en la UPR-Río Piedras

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

Como parte de un proyecto de "outreach" colaborativo entre Caltech ( y la UPR se estarán ofreciendo dos talleres diferentes para maestros de escuela intermedia o superior sobre energía solar, uno en la mañana y otro en la tarde del sábado 31 de mayo de 2014 en el Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.  





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