
Innovación para acelerar el acceso a pruebas moleculares

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Sharon Minelli Pérez

En el laboratorio de Engine-4 Coworking Space en Bayamón se adelanta el diseño y la impresión tridimensional de hisopos de resina para realizar las pruebas moleculares del COVID-19, con miras a que Puerto Rico no dependa de recibir desde el exterior estos componentes esenciales en la lucha por contener la pandemia.


La UPRM entre las 44 Universidades que Competirán en Importante Evento Internacional de Diseño Sísmico

RISE UP's picture

Una propuesta presentada por estudiantes del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Agrimensura de la UPRM fue seleccionada entre las 9 mejores propuestas sometidas por más de 40 universidades alrededor del mundo. Las otras propuestas escogidas son de las universidades más reconocidas en ingeniería como Stanford, Purdue, U. of California-Berkeley, Cornell, etc. La misma, fue sometida para participar en la Competencia de Diseño Sísmico a llevarse a cabo durante la Conferencia Anual EERI 2019: Reaching Resilience Faster by Working Together, organizada por el Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI).

Call for papers on the intersection of design & STEM

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

The Journal of Undergraduate Research Students of the College of Engineering of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez has released its most recent Call For Papers. Titled "Design Everywhere, Design is Everywhere! From Cells to Cities" this third issue of JOUST will be dedicated to the multiple connotations of the term "design" within both scientific (STEM) and humanistic disciplines. How much science is in your design process?





Looking at Science and Technology through the eyes of Design

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

History clearly tells us that science, technology, engineering and mathematics have constantly crossed their paths with art and design. Let’s think about Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century, most of his projects showed an equal application of technical and artistic knowledge. After centuries, during which governments addressed their attention to the arts (e.g. kings and popes supporting Michelangelo), the Industrial Revolution, started at the end of the 18th century, moved the attention toward technical disciplines as main tools for economic growth. Therefore, the acronym STEM was coined to refer to four principal disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Concurso diseño para afiche Convención Anual de la Sociedad de Microbiólogos de P.R.

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture
La Sociedad de Microbiólogos de Puerto Rico invita a sus estudiantes miembros a participar en el diseño del afiche de promoción para nuestra próxima Convención Anual a celebrarse los días 18-19 de junio de 2015

¿Qué debes hacer?





RUM students to participate in seismic design competition in Alaska

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Seismic Design Team from the Department of Civil Engineering University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez will participate in a competition organized by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), which presents the challenge of building a model of building that can resist a strong earthquake.


The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL at the top right of your screen.


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