Juan Carlos Martínez Cruzado

Scientists to study the genome of the Paso Fino horse in Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Mariam Ludim Rosa Vélez (mariamludim@uprm.edu)

Scientists from the UPR Mayagüez Genomics Center who sequenced the genome of the Puerto Rican parrot are now hoping to sequence the genome of the Puerto Rican Paso Fino horse.



Global resonance of Puerto Rican research

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Prestigiosa revista destaca investigación de científicos del RUM

Dos catedráticos del Departamento de Biología del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (RUM) participaron en un proyecto internacional, denominado Mil Genomas, cuyos resultados salen publicados en la prestigiosa revista científica Nature.

Los doctores Juan Carlos Martínez Cruzado y Tarás Oleksyk figuran entre los autores de la  publicación que detalla, entre las más de mil personas estudiadas a nivel mundial, una muestra de 55 puertorriqueños a quienes se les secuenció el genoma completo.


The Taino Inside: Science Helps to Decipher Our Origins

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture
Haplogroup A from Puerto Rico
mtDNA can be classified in haplogroups which are specific for differents regions in the world. This figure shows the haplogroup A of PR.

Do you remember the stories about the native inhabitants of Puerto Rico that we were taught in school? Yes, the Taino Indians. They faded with the arrival of Spanish colonizers, according to the story. When exactly TaÌno ceased to exist? There is archaeological evidence indicating that the Tainos lived on the island longer than historians point, but there are still conflicting versions of both lines. Not only archaeologists and historians were interested in learning more about the Taino culture. A curious scientist that since he was a teenager was fascinated with stories about the Tainos, had in mind a number of questions, but mostly an effort to answer them.

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