mentoring prize

Luis A. Colón: A chemist and teacher dedicated to excellence in mentorship and research

Reyna I. Martínez De Luna's picture
Dr. Luis A. Colón
Dr. Luis A. Colón

Mentoring is crucial for success. A mentor’s unconditional support can propel you forward, and the guided learning that a mentor provides encourages professional and personal growth. For Dr. Luis A. Colón, mentoring is also a way to pay it forward.  Throughout his journey to become a professor, Dr. Colón had very good mentors. He has made it his mission to serve others in a similar way.

Se buscan nominaciones para el E.E. Just Lecture Award

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

Presented by the Minorities Affairs Committee (MAC) at the ASCB Annual Meeting to memorialize early 20th-century biologist E. E. Just and to recognize outstanding scientific achievement by a minority scientist. The Awardee is selected by the ASCB MAC.





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