RUM entrepreneurs launch the Walty smart pot

Kimberly Ann Massa Núñez's picture

Their passion for entrepreneurship and innovation, led two students from the Mayagüez Campus (RUM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) to launch their most recent product on the market: Walty, an intelligent pot capable of generating its own water and water the plants automatically.

Karlos L. Miranda Garcés, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (INME) and his partner Kevin Rivera, who recently graduated from Electrical Engineering (INEL), are the founders of the emerging company Watric Energy Solutions, focused on achieving sustainability through innovation and technology, who made the first part of a dream come true that they aspire to expand with a view to contributing to society.

You can read the full story in the Spanish version of this post.

Outstanding participation of the RUM SAE Aero Design team in aircraft design competition

Kimberly Ann Massa Núñez's picture

The RUM Air Aero Design team from the Mayagüez Campus (RUM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), completed a brilliant performance by obtaining first place in the technical presentation of the Micro Class; second place in the technical reports for the Regular Class, Micro Class and Advanced Class categories; and in the flight test part, they got a second place overall for the Micro Class, third place in Flight Performance for Regular Class, and overall for the Regular and Advanced Class categories, in the SAE Aero Design competition, held this summer in Lakeland, Florida.

RUM Welcomes New Professors

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


Dr. Agustín Rullán Toro, the rector of the Mayagüez Campus (RUM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), welcomed the twenty-seven newly hired professors, who will begin teaching at the institution at the beginning of the academic semester on Thursday, August 12, 2021.

The complete story is available on the Spanish version of the website. 


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