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Found 12 results
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Filters: Drupal User is castr103
Z. Tang, Castrodad, A., Tepper, M., and Sapiro, G., Are you imitating me? unsupervised sparse modeling for group activity analysis from a single video, arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.5451, 2012.
Z. Xing, Zhou, M., Castrodad, A., Sapiro, G., and Carin, L., Dictionary learning for noisy and incomplete hyperspectral images, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 5, pp. 33–56, 2012.
A. Castrodad, Khuon, T., Rand, R., and Sapiro, G., Sparse modeling for hyperspectral imagery with LiDAR data fusion for subpixel mapping, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International, 2012, pp. 7275–7278.
A. Castrodad and Sapiro, G., Sparse modeling of human actions from motion imagery, International journal of computer vision, vol. 100, pp. 1–15, 2012.
A. Castrodad, Xing, Z., Greer, J., Bosch, E. H., Carin, L., and Sapiro, G., Discriminative sparse representations in hyperspectral imagery, in Image Processing (ICIP), 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on, 2010, pp. 1313–1316.
T. R. Braun and Castrodad, A., Data reduction via segmentation for hyperspectral imagery, in SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2009, p. 73340Y–73340Y.
A. Castrodad, Graph-based denoising and classification of hyperspectral imagery using nonlocal operators, in SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2009, p. 73340E–73340E.