Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-Rivera

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Monthly StoryJosé A. Rodríguez-Martínez: Interrogating Proteins Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...02 weeks 1 day ago
Monthly StoryDr. Eduardo Nicolau: creating solutions with nanoparticle chemistry Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...02 weeks 1 day ago
Monthly StoryCarla Restrepo: Leaving a mark with ecological studies Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...02 weeks 1 day ago
Monthly StoryRodolfo Romañach: Improving production of pharmaceutical and food products through scientific research Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...08 years 4 months ago
Monthly StoryEdith A. Pérez: A Pioneer in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...09 years 3 weeks ago
BibliographiesSalmonella Cerro isolated over the past twenty years from various sources in the US represent a single predominant pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type. Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesA whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism-based approach to trace and identify outbreaks linked to a common Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Montevideo pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type. Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesSubtype Analysis of Salmonella Isolated from Subclinically Infected Dairy Cattle and Dairy Farm Environments in New York Reveals the Presence of Both Human- and Bovine-Associated Subtypes. Submitted. Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesSalmonella enterica serotype Cerro among dairy cattle in New York: An Emerging Pathogen? Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesIdentification and characterization of novel Salmonella mobile elements involved in the dissemination of genes linked to virulence and transmission. Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesGenome wide evolutionary analyses reveal serotype specific patterns of positive selection in selected Salmonella serotypes Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesGenome sequencing reveals diversification of virulence factor content and possible host adaptation in distinct subpopulations of Salmonella enterica Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesFSL J1-208, a virulent uncommon phylogenetic lineage IV Listeria monocytogenes strain with a small chromosome size and a putative virulence plasmid carrying internalin-like genes. Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesThe prevalence of multidrug resistance is higher among bovine than human Salmonella enterica serotype Newport, Typhimurium, and 4,5,12:i:– isolates in the United States but differs by serotype and geographic region Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-River...010 years 4 months ago
