The Kavita Project
The Kavita Project is focused on developing a generic, spoken, C-based programming language (Kavita) in an open source speech recognition software, SIMON. The framework that is being integrated into the open source software is being referred to as SIMON CODES. The framework is being designed so that it can crowd sourced and people can used it with different IDEs, editors and C-based programming languages. The project is named after Kavita Krishnaswamy, a PhD student at UMBC
who inspired the project. It is designed for anyone who may have limited mobility in their hands, but wants to program.
Multivariate Time Series Analysis
This project is a continuation of my dissertation research. In collaboration with physicians at Johns Hopkins University and my advisors at UMBC, I developed techniques for the Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units to provide clinical decision support. We created a visualization tool to assist providers in analyzing the patient's data from a multivariate perspective over time. Clicking on the image will begin a download of a tutorial video of the latest visualization. I am currently working on developing a similarity metric that will assist physicians in determining how similar a patient is to another physiologically and
in terms of experiencing similar medical events using Machine Learning techniques. I am also expanding the visualization and a presentation on an older version of the visualization as well as a technique for data mining multivariate time series data can be seen at
Computer Science for High Schools in Puerto Rico
This Google-sponsored project under its CS4HS program consists of offering a MOOC once a year for high school teachers of Puerto Rico, however, anyone can join. The course is designed as an outreach tool to recruit the future computer science teachers of Puerto Rico and to build the self-efficacy of all teachers in computing and in how to incorporate computational thinking into their curriculum.