Drs. Fortis-Santiago & Feliú-Mójer de CienciaPR: Tips to Expand Your Network Washington, DC


Sábado, 31 octubre 2015


Room National Harbor 5, Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Maryland

CienciaPR dirá presente en la Reunión de SACNAS (The Diversity in STEM Conference) en Washington DC

Ven a ver al Equipo de CienciaPR en sus presentaciones:

Dr. Yaihara Fortis-Santiago and Dr. Mónica I. Feliú-Mójer

Tips to Expand Your Network: How to Identify Advisors, Mentors, Sponsors for a Successful Career: Saturday, October 31, from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in room National Harbor 5.

Description: You do not have to achieve academic success alone. This workshop will give you tips and advice to develop your professional one-minute statement for networking. Also, this workshop will teach you how to cultivate your personal and professional network. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists.


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