Architecture or Design

Jomarly Cruz Galarza

Jomarly Cruz Galarza es Arquitecta. Posee un bachillerato en Diseño Ambiental y una maestría en Arquitectura de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. Su tesis fue reconocida globalmente en dos categorías con el premio Architecture Masterprize Student Award. Jomarly nació en San Juan y tiene gran interés en educar y promover la arquitectura y todos sus ámbitos.


Looking at Science and Technology through the eyes of Design

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

History clearly tells us that science, technology, engineering and mathematics have constantly crossed their paths with art and design. Let’s think about Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century, most of his projects showed an equal application of technical and artistic knowledge. After centuries, during which governments addressed their attention to the arts (e.g. kings and popes supporting Michelangelo), the Industrial Revolution, started at the end of the 18th century, moved the attention toward technical disciplines as main tools for economic growth. Therefore, the acronym STEM was coined to refer to four principal disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The urban space is a world of (smell)stories

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

A sense is a physiological capacity of organisms that provide data for perception. Human senses, therefore, are the physical receptors through which every person experiences the environment, either natural or artificial. Humans, as with all animals, are continually in a sensory intake mode to process the world around them. There are five traditionally recognized human senses: touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell. However, for architects and urban planners, only two of these senses, touch and sight, normally are taken into account for their designs. Natalie Bouchard is a designer and researcher exploring olfacoception, the sense of smell, for the design of better places. With a B.A.

Exploring the Brain Frontiers to Define the Order of Beauty

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

Currently Dr. Celia Andreu-Sánchez is associate professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Publicity of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In addition, she is one of the principal investigators at Neuro-Com Research Group where she analyzes the advantages of neuroscience for the art of communication and perception. Dr. Andreu-Sánchez is also researcher at División de Neurociencias of the Pablo de Olavide University in Sevilla. In this interview Dr. Andreu-Sánchez deepens on some concepts that drives our manner to appreciate and evaluate beauty, and certain implications upon design and architecture.

Lidia Badarnah: 'Nature provides a huge source of solutions'

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

Lidia Badarnah is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Building Technology Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Badarnah obtained her Ph.D in Biomimetics in Architecture at Delft University of Technology. She has specialized in biologically-inspired strategies for building envelopes adaptation and recently has developed a methodology for the generation of novel biomimetic design concepts. The crossover between architecture and scientific concepts is evident in Badarnah's work that ranges from biology to thermodynamics. She shared with us her insights intertwining the theoretical anxieties of her investigation and the future of architectural design.

Molecular Landscape Architecture

Wilfredo Mendez Vazquez's picture

Landscape architect at The Office of Marvel & Marchand Architects, Jose Juan Terrasa-Soler wowed us with his essay Molecular Landscape Architecture. Exploring new fields of crossover between science and design, Terrasa-Soler proposes an architectural approach that embraces genetics in order to engineer ecosystems the same way a scientist manipulates DNA.


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