science club for girls

Letter to my Young Borinqueña

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

Borinqueña emphasizes the contribution of Puerto Rican and Hispanic women in science and technology and provides a space to discuss topics of interest about the empowerment of women. In ‘What’s up Borinqueña?’ we share a variety of experiences and perspectives from different women and men that are committed to advancing equality for women in science.



Call for submissions: 2014 Letters to my young self (women in science)

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture


Do you have wish you could travel back in time to share with your 6-, 13- or even 22-year-old self, a golden nugget about life, career or academics; to tip off the younger you with that little bit of knowledge of the future that would have assuaged some fear, or bestowed comfort; to pull her up when she was beating herself down for “failing” at whatever?

Now you can. Sort of.





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