
Could volcanoes arise in Puerto Rico?

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Pedro Bosque Pérez / pedro.bosque@gfrmedia.com

Dr. Lizzette Rodríguez, at the university of Puerto Rico in Puerto Rico Mayagüez discusses the possibility of Volcanoes to arise in Puerto Rico.


The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL on the top right of your screen. You can also contact us at contact@cienciapr.org.


Journey to the submarine volcanoes

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Danica Coto / Prensa Asociada

A grupo of scientists sponsored by National Gepgraphic, University of Rhode Island and NOOA will be studying the submarine basin in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean sea, between Puerto Rico and Granada.

The original news story is in Spanish. To read the full text, please click on the "Español" button below or the link at the top right of the page.


Pressure and volcanos

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

A new technique detects slight deformations on a volcano's surface caused by the pressure created by magma as it approaches the Earth's surface.


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