Member Bibliography/Bibliografía de Miembros

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V. Eccles, Thompson, J., Sojka, J. J., Vo, H., and Gonzalez, S., Assessment of Ionospheric Models package for the Community Coordinated Modeling Center: Climatology, Space Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications, vol. 9.
V. Eccles, Vo, H., Thompson, J., Gonzalez, S., and Sojka, J. J., Database of electron density profiles from Arecibo Radar Observatory for the assessment of ionospheric models, Space Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications, vol. 9.
D. C. Fritts, Janches, D., Riggin, D. M., Stockwell, R. G., Sulzer, M. P., and Gonzalez, S., Gravity waves and momentum fluxes in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere using 430 MHz dual-beam measurements at Arecibo: 2. Frequency spectra, momentum fluxes, and variability, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 111.
Q. Zhou, Morton, Y. T., Huang, C. M., Aponte, N., Sulzer, M., and Gonzalez, S., Incoherent scatter radar observation of E-region vertical electric field at Arecibo, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 38.
J. E. Berkey, Richmond, A. D., Barnes, R. M., Gonzalez, S., and Tepley, C. A., SOLAR-CYCLE VARIATIONS IN F-REGION ELECTRODYNAMIC DRIFTS AT ARECIBO, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, vol. 95, pp. 4303-4306.
F. Kamalabadi, Bust, G., Dymond, K., Gonzalez, S., Bernhardt, P., Chakrabarti, S., Cotton, D., Stephan, A., McCoy, R., Budzien, S., and Thonnard, S., Tomographic studies of aeronomic phenomena using radio and UV techniques, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 64, pp. 1573-1580.
J. E. Berkey, Richmond, A. D., Barnes, R. M., Gonzalez, S., and Tepley, C. A., SOLAR-CYCLE VARIATIONS IN F-REGION ELECTRODYNAMIC DRIFTS AT ARECIBO, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, vol. 95, no. A4, pp. 4303-4306, 1990.
J. E. Berkey, Richmond, A. D., Barnes, R. M., Gonzalez, S., and Tepley, C. A., SOLAR-CYCLE VARIATIONS IN F-REGION ELECTRODYNAMIC DRIFTS AT ARECIBO, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, vol. 95, no. A4, p. 4 pp., 1990.
M. P. Sulzer and Gonzalez, S., The effect of electron Coulomb collisions on the incoherent scatter spectrum in the F region at Jicamarca, Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, vol. 104, no. A10, pp. 22535-22551, 1999.
M. P. Sulzer and Gonzalez, S., The effect of electron Coulomb collisions on the incoherent scatter spectrum in the F region at Jicamarca, Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, vol. 104, pp. 22535-22551, 1999.
W. E. Swartz, Collins, S. C., Kelley, M. C., Makela, J. J., Kudeki, E., Franke, S., Urbina, J., Aponte, N., Gonzalez, S., Sulzer, M. P., and Friedman, J. S., First observations of an F-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 64, pp. 1545-1556, 2002.
W. E. Swartz, Collins, S. C., Kelley, M. C., Makela, J. J., Kudeki, E., Franke, S., Urbina, J., Aponte, N., Gonzalez, S., Sulzer, M. P., and Friedman, J. S., First observations of an F-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 64, no. 12-14, pp. 1545-1556, 2002.
W. E. Swartz, Collins, S. C., Kelley, M. C., Makela, J. J., Kudeki, E., Franke, S., Urbina, J., Aponte, N., Gonzalez, S., Sulzer, M. P., and Friedman, J. S., First observations of an F-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., vol. 64, pp. 1545–1556, 2002.
W. E. Swartz, Collins, S. C., Kelley, M. C., Makela, J. J., Kudeki, E., Franke, S., Urbina, J., Aponte, N., Gonzalez, S., Sulzer, P., and Friedman, J. S., First Observations of an $F$-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe $E$-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., vol. 64, pp. 1545–1556, 2002.
M. Rodgers, Zhou, Q., Morton, Y., Friedman, J., Tepley, C., Raizada, S., Sulzer, M., and Gonzalez, S., A Statistical Study On Ion And Neutral Metal Layers Observed At Arecibo, EOS Trans. AGU, vol. 83, p. Abstract SA52A-0403, 2002.
F. Kamalabadi, Bust, G., Dymond, K., Gonzalez, S., Bernhardt, P., Chakrabarti, S., Cotton, D., Stephan, A., McCoy, R., Budzien, S., and Thonnard, S., Tomographic studies of aeronomic phenomena using radio and UV techniques, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol. 64, no. 12-14, pp. 1573-1580, 2002.
