Areas of Work
CienciaPR focuses on the following programmatic areas. Read the press coverage of our work.
Informal Science Education (Science Communication and Outreach)
- Through partnerships with media outlets and the publication of articles and podcasts, we have increased culturally-relevant scientific content and information about Puerto Rican scientists locally and globally through the publication of news articles and podcasts.
- From 2006-2016 we have published over 600 popular science articles, written by Puerto Rican scientists for media outlets including El Nuevo Día, Diálogo UPR and Scientific American, among others. During this time we have also published over 260 podcasts, which have also been broadcasted through radio stations like Radio Casa Pueblo and WIPR 940 AM.
- From 2006-2016 we have published 70 monthly stories featuring outstanding Puerto Rican scientists, their careers and achievements.
- In 2011, we published the book ¡Ciencia Boricua! Ensayos y anécdotas del científico puertorro, which provides science stories told in accessible language and contextualized to the Puerto Rican reality.
- In 2012 we launched blogs CienciaPR, in which members of the CienciaPR community can share their ideas; the CienciaPR Team keeps the community informed; and we highlight women in science and technology, among many other stories.
K-12 Education
- We create programs and resources to make science education more relevant to the context and culture of Puerto Rican students.
- In 2012, thanks to a grant from the Banco Popular Foundation, we conducted a pilot program at the Nueva Escuela Juan Ponce de León where we use the book ¡Ciencia Boricua!, podcasting, and lectures and interactions with Puerto Rican scientists as tools to promote science interest and awareness among students from 4th to 9th grade.
- In 2014, with the support of the Banco Popular Foundation, we launched the series of videos Ciencia A Tú Alrededor, which highlight how Puerto Rican scientists contribute to diverse areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The videos are aligned with the Puerto Rico Department of Education standards and the Next Generation Science Standards and they are accompanied by educator guides.
- Our website has a section for Educators with information about resources, programs and projects.
- In 2015 we created the Seeds of Success STEM Ambassador Program for middle school girls. This program gives participants the opportunity to explore STEM careers, meet female role models, learn STEM and leadership skills and complete community projects to become agents of change.
Support and mentoring to students, scientists and entrepreneurs and innovators
- is the largest database of Puerto Rican or Puerto Rico-based scientists in the world, and the most extensive resource and information network for those interested in Puerto Rico and the sciences.
- Our website allows people to identify and interact with scientific mentors, experts, and colleagues through our members’ profiles and geographic maps.
- In our resources section you will find information on funding opportunities, scholarships, jobs, scientific meetings and scientific training programs. Many of our members share tips and additional opportunities through the Message Board section.
- In September 2011, CienciaPR held its 1st Educational Symposium, which provided advice about biomedical graduate programs, research funding opportunities and career options to more than 100 students.
- In 2013 we held our 2nd Educational Symposium, which advised over 100 graduate students on the professional non-research skills they need to be successful and how to develop them.
- To foster a sense of community and scientific exchange, we help organize social mixers at scientific societies' conferences where there is a large presence of Puerto Rican scientists. In the past we have organized mixers at the Society for Neuroscience and the American Society for Microbiology annual meetings.
- In 2016 we launched Yale Ciencia Academy, a career development program for graduate students in biomedical and behavioral sciences across Puerto Rico and the U.S. Through YCA, students have the opportunity to participate in workshops, conversations with scientists, mentoring, networking and science outreach.
Science policy
- Our site provides a platform to inform the scientific community and to promote debate on important public policy issues, including the allocation of government funds for research policies.
- CienciaPR supports activities to inform the public and governmental and business leaders about the importance of science in the lives of the Puerto Rican people.
- In 2016 Mirada Cien†ífica podcast launched the series Puerto Rico Vota ConCiencia, in which for the first time in Puerto Rico's history, candidates for the country's governorship respond to questions related to science and technology.