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National Academies request our input

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture
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Dear friends,

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine have recently released two calls for opinions regarding two very important aspects of the way science is done and supported in the United States and jurisdictions such as Puerto Rico: 

This is your chance, and our chance as a community, to send in our thoughts on aspects that will determine not only the way science is conducted in the U.S. but on implications that will affect Puerto Rico and the students and researchers of our community. 

As a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on the Next Generation Researchers Initiative, I invite your response to our Dear Colleague Letter. Our Committee is tasked with examining both the barriers and opportunities to ensure the successful launch and sustainment of careers among the scientists in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, as they transition into independent research careers. 

We are seeking input, before October 1st, from all stakeholders on issues such as: level, sources, and stability of research funding; the scope of grant award and review; training and mentoring of postdocs, and transparency around these issues; and how to support underrepresented populations. 

A second committee at the Academies responds to the concern that the current system is inadequately educating graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to prepare them for productive careers in the 21st century. The Revitalizing Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century Committee is tasked with considering how well the current graduate education system is equipping students for current and anticipated future needs and what changes should be made to increase its effectiveness. 

You can provide input on these matters here on its Discussion Document and Call for Community Input through September 22, 2017.

Your efforts and input will be greatly appreciated.


Giovanna Guerrero-Medina, PhD
Ciencia Puerto Rico, Executive Director
