Yale Ciencia Academy

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Mentoring, professional development, and outreach to succeed in grad school and beyond
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2018 Yale Ciencia Fellows help launch a science policy network, deliver professional development sessions at national STEM conferences and more

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

As part of their training and leadership development, Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) fellows are required to create and implement a science outreach activity of their choosing. These outreach projects are meant to expand the impact of the program, by allowing YCA fellows to engage with young people, teachers, or other members of the public, particularly from communities traditionally underrepresented and underserved in science. In 2018, YCA Fellows completed a variety of projects, impacting more than 6,000 people.

From Responding to Maria to Mental Health: 2017 Yale Ciencia Fellows Impact Their Communities Through Outreach

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

The Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) aims to develop well-rounded scientific leaders and professionals. Completing a science outreach project is one aspect of the program that helps fellows advance towards this goal. The 2017 class of YCA Fellows led and implemented a series of science outreach projects to put into practice the communication, teaching and leadership skills they learned during their year in the program. The projects included various podcasts, a full-day symposium on deaf mental health, and a new blog in a major Spanish-language newspaper.

What can you expect from the 2018 Yale Ciencia Academy?

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

Applications for the Yale Ciencia Academy for Career Development are open! As you are working on your application, we wanted to give you an inside look into the topics that we will be discussing during the 2018 Yale Ciencia Academy. Not working on your application yet? Go here to read more about the program and apply. You can also watch this recording of Facebook Live Q&A we recently hosted with Yale Ciencia fellows and alumni.



Conversations with Scientists 2017: Papers & Publications

Anonymous's picture

During this conversation, panelists shared advice and perspectives on how to get your research published. Our panel included a former research scientist who now works as an editor in peer-review journal and two active researchers and professors with a prolific publication records who have also served as reviewers for peer-review journals. 


Conversations with Scientists 2017: Fellowships and Funding

Anonymous's picture

During this conversation, scientists in research careers and funding experts talked about their experiences applying for fellowships and grants, and getting funded, as well as shared practical advice and strategies that can help students be successful in the process of securing funding.



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