Other Science Careers

Research Funding Announcements

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Scientific Publications

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What good would science do if findings, ideas, and experimental designs were not shared with others? Scientists share information in many ways, from making presentations at conferences, to writing books or reviews, but the golden standard for communicating reseach findings with others is the peer-reviewed article. Peer-reviewed articles provide all the important details of an experiment so that it may be properly evaluated and replicated, and the strict process of revision and comments from peers ensures that published information is trust worthy.

Faculty Research Assistant (Program Manager) - Harris Lab

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture

The ASPIRE program seeks to expand the places and people involved in the geosciences, especially in partnership with communities that have been under-resourced and marginalized. This builds on work we did beginning in 2016 that supported mobile working groups and boundary spanning geoscientists across the country. The ASPIRE leadership program collaborates with community members to help geoscientists learn how to do this work ethically and equitably.





Interno(a): Programa Semillas de Triunfo - Asistente de programa

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture

Semillas de Triunfo es un programa para acercar a chicas de escuela intermedia y/o secundaria a carreras en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM, por sus siglas en inglés), y capacitarlas para que practiquen sus destrezas de liderazgo y se conviertan en embajadoras STEM en sus comunidades.





*** Única oportunidad para estudiantes universitarios [Climate Action Academy] Milo Space Institute ***

Marcos Lopez's picture

 ¿Listo para marcar la diferencia en la lucha contra el cambio climático en Puerto Rico? Participa en nuestro innovador programa virtual de 12 semanas diseñado para estudiantes universitarios y recién graduados de diversas disciplinas en Puerto Rico.






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