17th Best Practices Conference on Teaching and Learning (BPC): Practical Approaches in STEM Education and Research Ponce, PR


Friday, 26 October 2018 to Saturday, 27 October 2018


Pontificia Universidad Católica, Ponce


17th Best Practices Conference on Teaching and Learning (BPC): Practical Approaches in STEM Education and Research


The Puerto Rico-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP) invites you to participate in the 17th Best Practices Conference on Teaching and Learning (BPC): Practical Approaches in STEM Education and Research*

Session 1 - October 26 (8 AM – 4:30 PM) – Plenary talks, poster session for faculty projects in STEM education and research, and short presentations showcasing STEM education projects in Puerto Rico @ Teatro Monseñor Vicente Murga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico (PUCPR)-Ponce.

Session 2 - October 27 (8 AM – 12 PM) – Faculty and graduate student workshop on transforming existing STEM education practices, data, and research products/ideas into publishable manuscripts and dissemination activities @ Sala Madre Teresa de Calcuta, Edificio Perea, PUCPR-Ponce.

Light breakfast and lunch will be served to all registered participants on October 26, and light breakfast will be served to all registered participants on October 27.

Invited speakers:

Alberto Martínez, Ph.D.

Martinez headshot

Professor, Department of History

Director, Certificate Program in History & Philosophy of Science

John E. Green Regents Professorship in History

University of Texas, Austin

Title of talk: Improved stories about Galileo and Darwin: How to fix historical myths in STEM Education

Lilliam Casillas-Martínez, Ph.D.


Professor, Department of Biology

Director of the Puerto Rican Outstanding Undergraduate Diversified Program (PROUD)

University of Puerto Rico, Humacao

Title of talk: Teaching to increase equity in STEM: Empowering underrepresented students using culturally-responsive strategies

Wilson González-Espada, Ph.D.


Professor of Physics and Science Education
Department of Mathematics and Physics

Morehead State University


Title of talk: Publishable STEM Education manuscripts: A practical guide for research and dissemination at regional universities

*There will be additional invited speakers from Puerto Rican higher education institutions in the afternoon poster and colloquium session on October 26.  Details will be posted soon.   

Professional development and networking:

Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas, discuss concepts, and explore potential teaching and research directions during this BPC. For context, all speakers are fully bilingual, Spanish and English, and have educational and research experiences in Puerto Rico. BPC Participants may include faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, teachers, and informal educators. PR-LSAMP will provide a Certificate of Participation to each participant. This Certificate can be used for ethics and professional development hours.



Register for both sessions at: https://prlsamp.rcse.upr.edu/eregistration/


Questions, comments, suggestions:

If you have questions or comments about this announcement or the 17th BPC please contact Dr. Pablo A. Llerandi Román at pablo.llerandi@upr.edu or by phone at 787-765-5170, x2013, x2016, or x2067. 

Thanks, we look forward to meet you at the 17th BPC!



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