"Caribbean Climate Resilience" game created to educate on the effects of climate change

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Amanda Pérez Pintado
The game, designed by Winrock International, is aimed at people 15 years of age and older. In the photo, center, William Gould, director of the Caribbean Climate Center (Supplied).

The tool is part of an effort led by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Caribbean Climate Center


As part of an effort to educate about climate change, the USDA's Caribbean Climate Center developed the "Caribbean Climate Resilience" game, an interactive tool that shows the impact of climate on the region's agricultural industry.

"Caribbean Climate Resilience" is a board game, in which up to four teams representing agricultural farms can participate and players must make decisions that affect the profitability of their operations, their climate resilience and soil health.

"That was really a small part of a larger project to inform different groups about climate change, its effects, the trends that we can see in changes in rainfall, droughts, the strength of hurricanes," explained William Gould, director of the Caribbean Climate Center.

Gould, in an interview with El Nuevo Día, said that the game "was really an attempt to incorporate a little economic information in the discussion about what are the solutions to adapt, to create resilience and what are the decision-making factors for people when we are thinking about whether to implement this practice or not".

According to the organization's spokesperson, the initiative, funded by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), seeks to generate and disseminate information on climate change, trends, possible future scenarios and adaptation and mitigation strategies specific to the Caribbean.


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