Environmental and agricultural sciences

From water shortages to disease: climate change challenges Puerto Rico's cacao industry

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Génesis Ibarra Vázquez

At the first Cocoa Symposium, international specialists and Puerto Rican cocoa growers met to evaluate the future of this sector, which in just a few years has achieved worldwide recognition.


“It's time to break the taboo”: to measure the impact of climate change on the mental health of Puerto Ricans

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Valeria María Torres Nieves

From heavy rains and hurricanes to prolonged droughts and extreme heat, the effects of climate change in Puerto Rico are becoming increasingly evident. For many, these alterations are of great concern, but there is still no study detailing their impact on the mental and emotional health of the island's population.

Faced with this reality, the organization Amigxs del M.A.R. launched “Enraizando ante la Crisis Climática,” a research project aimed at learning about the effects of environmental phenomena and government management on the thoughts, feelings and behavior of residents.


Investigación sobre el Cambio Climático de la NASA está reclutando actualmente a educadores STEM en servicio y estudiantes

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

La Iniciativa de Investigación sobre el Cambio Climático de la NASA está reclutando actualmente a educadores STEM en servicio y estudiantes de posgrado para contribuir al trabajo de la NASA en exploración y descubrimiento relacionado con la ciencia y el estudio del cambio climático.




Pasantías pagadas en Laboratorios Nacionales del U.S. Department of Energy

Igor Slowing's picture

Para estudiantes de doctorado en física, química, biología (no médica), ciencias de la tierra, astronomía, matemática, ciencias de computación, estadística, ciencia de materiales, ingeniería, y ciencias ambientales.





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