Fresh water shortage in Puerto Rico

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Cited from Puerto Rico has less cubic meters of fresh water per person per year than the rest of the Greater Antilles and Trinidad and Tobago, with the exception of Haiti that has been declared in "hydric stress" by the United Nations. With 1,814 cubic meters per person per year, the Island ranks 135 of 180 in terms of water availability. "Soderberg said that the local water shortage is due to the high population density, number 11 world-wide and second in America, and that the amount of rain is less than required for almost 4 million inhabitants. 'The message is that Puerto Rico does not have water to waste, we must take care of what we have left, because otherwise the alternative is to desalt water, and that is very expensive', sentenced. In addition, Soderberg commented that our fresh water bodies do not have the natural capacity to assimilate the pollution, another reaon why there is less water available." " 'I’ve always said that the biggest environmental problem that Puerto Rico has is the fresh water bodies situation, including the aquifers', he finished."