Hundreds of teachers undergo training to enforce the Plan for the Management of Diabetes in Schools

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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El Nuevo Dia
Desde el año 2013 el CDPR ha dado adiestramientos mensuales a personal escolar para asistir a estudiantes con diabetes, dijo el licenciado Pabón (al centro). (Suministrada)

The Executive Director from the Center for Investigation, Education and Medical Services for Diabetes, better known as the Puerto Rican Center for Diabetes (CDPR), Ramon Alejandro Pabon, together with the Medical Director, Jose Cangiano, announced that the CDPR was ready to offer training in public and private schools to establish the neccessary attention for students with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, according to new Law Number 199 (Demeber/2015)

For the full article please refer to the spanish version of this site. 


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