La pandemia desmejoró la salud mental de los puertorriqueños

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Charlene Rivera Bonet
El aislamiento y la ausencia de maneras comunes de manejar el estrés debido al distanciamiento social contribuyen al deterioro de la salud mental. (Shutterstock)

"It was an accumulation of many things that lead one to find oneself in that black hole where one falls." This is how Juan Ortiz described his battle against depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. "The thing is that you are slowly falling and you don't realize that you are there," he added.

Ortiz had his first experience with a diagnosis of depression during the pandemic, months after being infected by the coronavirus, and having lost his mother to the same illness. He does not attribute his diagnosis specifically to the virus, but acknowledges that many factors must have played a role in it.

Full story available in the Spanish version. 
