Project 1000: Recruiting, Admitting, and Graduating Underrepresented Minority Graduate Students

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Cited from Project 1000 Project 1000 centralizes and facilitates the graduate school application process by greatly reducing the expenses normally involved in applying to graduate school. Once you have made the decision to apply to graduate school, complete a Project 1000 electronic application and submit it along with necessary supporting documentation to Project 1000’s office. When the file is complete, Project 1000 will photocopy your materials and send them to a maximum of seven universities of your choice. For the most part, participating universities have agreed to accept these materials in place of their own and have agreed to waive their application fee. Eligible fields are those disciplines that require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or those programs that do not have an entrance exam requirement. These include programs in the arts and sciences, engineering, oceanography, public health, nursing, biomedical sciences, among others. Project 1000 offers their participants with bilingual academic advisors that will be very supportive reviewing application essays and giving you helpful advice on how to submit a strong application, increased opportunity of being admitted to up to seven participating graduate institutions by using the Project 1000 application, assistance and advice on how to locate financial aid, helpful tips and workshops about the GRE, names and phone numbers of Project 1000 contact people at the participating universities, and information on other opportunities like meetings and conferences. For more information visit Project 1000 or call 1-800-327-4893.